Monday, December 9, 2013


Agua Agria  in Honduras where we will be working for the next week
It's finals week!! This may be the first time in my life that I feel school is going too fast I have soo much to do in such a short amount of time! My time at Purdue is quickly dwindling, in six short days and just two more finals I will be boarding a plane heading to  the villages of El Trapiche and Agua Agria in Honduras with the Global Medical Brigades Club of Purdue. We will be opening a temporary medical and dental clinic for some of the local village people. This will be the first time many of these people will ever have seen any sort of medical attention. We plan on seeing over 900 patients in just a few short days. I plan on working on the dentistry side while I am there, assisting some of the local dentist.  Click here to learn more about Global Brigades and what we will be doing!  Here is a short video that Purdue's Brigade made last year.

Luckily I will be back just in time for Christmas, and will be able to spend just a few weeks with my family before getting on a plane to Dublin (31 days to be exact). It is starting to get pretty surreal that I will be gone for almost half a year in a foreign country. This will be the first time going  somewhere where I do not know anyone or anything. Even coming to Purdue I was surrounded with some of my best friends from high school. This will be a great time for me to be forced out of my comfort zone. I am sure that I will learn a lot about myself in this time, and hopefully learn where my family roots originated! 

Even though it may be bitter sweet leaving West Lafayette, all of my friends and family,  and  Purdue I am not sad about missing the brutal Purdue winters! Look at the comparison from the pictures taken in the same day!
West Lafayette 12/9/13 12:00  14 degrees
Dublin Ireland Dec 9, 2013 6:00 pm 55 degrees.

All the best,

Jacob C. Haury.